

The term Rantes describes a specific chemokine, a signaling protein capable of attracting other cells. Rantes is secreted by immune cells such as lymphocytes and granulocytes, selectively attracting additional defense cells to an inflammatory process.

As Rantes levels in the blood are elevated in various inflammatory diseases, it is also considered a specific inflammatory marker. Significant amounts of Rantes are particularly formed and released into the body during jaw inflammations.

Rantes and Chronic Inflammations

Blood tests have revealed that Rantes levels are significantly increased in various inflammatory diseases. Inflammatory conditions associated with elevated Rantes levels include allergies, asthma, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or rheumatism. Elevated Rantes levels are also observed in some cancer diseases, such as breast cancer.

Increased Rantes levels can favor chronic inflammations through the excessive attraction and activation of immune cells. Consequently, it is advisable to identify and eliminate the source of Rantes. FDOJ/NICO jaw inflammations are often a common source of Rantes.

Rantes in FDOJ / NICO

In chronic jaw inflammations FDOJ / NICO, substantial amounts of Rantes are produced and released into the surrounding tissues. Rantes molecules spread throughout the entire body via blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, or nerve fibers, leading to a systemic effect. Consequently, chronic, silent inflammations FDOJ / NICO pose a systemic burden on the body and can potentially cause inflammatory diseases in the long term.

If elevated Rantes levels are detected, a jaw inflammation should always be considered, and further diagnostics should be conducted.

Rantes Examination

Rantes can be best detected in the blood. We collaborate with various laboratories capable of determining Rantes levels quickly and effectively. A Rantes level higher than 30 ng/ml is considered significantly elevated.

If you exhibit an elevated Rantes level, consider a FDOJ / NICO jaw inflammation as the initial suspicion, which can be confirmed with CaviTAU® bone density measurement and 3D X-rays (CBCT).

Rarely, elevated Rantes levels can also be associated with different autoimmune diseases or bacterial infections unrelated to a jaw inflammation. Therefore, precise medical history and diagnostics are crucial.

Rantes Treatment

The treatment for elevated Rantes involves identifying and addressing the source. In most cases, the cause is FDOJ / NICO jaw osteitis, persisting silently in the jawbone, from where the Rantes chemokine is released into the body. To confirm the jaw inflammation, alongside Rantes measurement, a CBCT X-ray in combination with CaviTAU® ultrasound measurement, should be performed.

The restoration of FDOJ / NICO jaw inflammation should be carried out by an experienced specialist following a biological protocol.

Dr. med. dent. Josephine Phillips

If the source of Rantes comes from chronic jaw inflammations, we can effectively and thoroughly eliminate it using minimally invasive techniques. Feel free to schedule an appointment for a Biological Consultation.

Dr. Josephiene Phillips Dentist Winterthur

Further information

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