Ceramic Bridge

Ceramic bridge

A ceramic bridge serves the purpose of replacing the lost tooth, thereby aesthetically closing the gap in the dental arch.

The ceramic bridge provides an alternative to ceramic implants and is preferred when an implant is not suitable.

When is a ceramic bridge advisable?

Generally, a ceramic implant should be preferred over a ceramic bridge. If a ceramic implant is not indicated (e.g., in patients who smoke or take problematic medications), a ceramic bridge should be used.

A dental bridge can be anchored on natural teeth or ceramic implants, closing the gap in the dental row. The supporting teeth or implants are referred to as abutments, on which the bridge is securely attached in the mouth.

Advantages of a Ceramic Bridge:

  • Slightly more cost-effective than a ceramic implant
  • No surgical intervention required

Disadvantages of a Ceramic Bridge:

  • At least two teeth need to be filed down, which may traumatize them and lead to potential necrosis. This is recommended only for already damaged teeth requiring a ceramic crown or those already having a crown.
  • Bone loss beneath the bridge may continue, leading to the potential accumulation of food debris.

Dr. med. dent. Tobias Steinherr M. Sc.

A ceramic bridge presents some disadvantages compared to a ceramic implant, which you should be aware of. Feel free to contact us.

Dr. Tobias Steinherr Dentist St. Gallen

Treatment Steps for a Ceramic Bridge

The treatment steps are exactly the same as those for a ceramic crown.

  1. Determination of Tooth Color

    For ideal aesthetics and a natural appearance, the tooth color is matched with all optical nuances of the tooth structure. This is often done by the dental technician, allowing the creation of natural and beautiful teeth.

  2. Filing down of Teeth

    The supporting teeth (abutment teeth) are ground down, allowing the ceramic bridge to be later placed on the abutments. This process is also known as preparation.

  3. Impression (mold) for the Dental Laboratory

    After preparing the abutments, the new oral situation is molded. The impression can be taken digitally with an intraoral scanner (digital impression) or analogously as a traditional impression with a mouth tray. In the case of a traditional impression, it is essential to use compatible materials. Read more about biological impressions.

  4. Manufacturing the Ceramic Bridge

    The dental technician fabricates the ceramic bridge in the dental laboratory.

  5. Insertion of the Ceramic Bridge (usually on a different treatment day)

    The dentist affixes the ceramic bridge to the supporting abutments. Attachment is typically done with cement.

  6. Removal of excess Cement and Bridge Inspection

    Excess cement is thoroughly removed. There should be no disturbing (too high) contacts and no tension should be present.

Frequently asked Questions about Ceramic Bridge

While a ceramic bridge may not be the first choice for missing teeth, it can be a good and durable solution in certain cases.

If a natural tooth is ground down for the ceramic bridge, a local anesthetic is recommended. No anesthesia is required for ceramic implants.

You can eat normally with a ceramic bridge.

The durability on your own natural teeth is highly dependent on the bacterial flora in your mouth. If a lot of caries-forming bacteria (producing acid) are present, the connection between the ceramic and the tooth will soon show a hole or gap. The crown should then be replaced at the latest. Depending on the oral flora, a ceramic bridge can last between 5 and 50 years.

Ceramic is not degraded by bacterial acid. Ceramic bridges on ceramic implants can therefore last a lifetime.

However, it is essential to ensure that the oral flora has been built up and is healthy, as otherwise gum recession and periodontitis may occur. Regular biological prophylaxis is therefore recommended.

If the dental technician has a lot of experience and know-how, ceramic bridges can be produced that are indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Your own teeth are traumatized by drilling and grinding and can occasionally die. Therefore, the ceramic implant is the better alternative in most cases.

Ceramic bridges are used with cement or a thin-flowing plastic. The material should combine biology, esthetics and stability. The excess should be completely removed.

Provided that the material has been selected correctly and the bridge has been fabricated without tension and with sufficient thickness, breakage of the bridge is very rare.

A ceramic crown can detach if the adhesive bond gives way.

This can happen if the supporting teeth have been ground too short and offer too little support.

Further information

The relevant information is listed below to give you more insight into the topic.