Biological consultation

We recommend a biological consultation for patients who require more time for discussion, diagnostics and treatment planning. The duration of the consultation is 1 to 1.5 hours and allows for accurate and in-depth examination and planning.

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For whom is a biological consultation suitable?

The Biological Consultation is suitable for patients who need a major dental restoration, and for patients with chronic health problems. In both cases, detailed examination, discussion and planning is necessary so that an accurate treatment can be carried out.
Read more about this in the article: New patients.

What does the Biological Consultation include?

The biological consultation is always adapted individually, depending on the patient's situation. All possible examinations and diagnostic measures are listed below. The diagnostic measures are done based on what is necessary for the respective patient.

The main causes of the dental and health issues are found out. These factors are analyzed and discussed with the patient.

If X-ray images were taken by another dentist and they are not older than 1 year, they will be analyzed by our dentists. The files should be sent as DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine).

The entire tooth, mouth, and jaw system is examined and the problematic areas are assessed.

This is necessary if patients do not have a current X-ray.

Using cold spray, dead teeth with latent chronic inflammation can be tested and diagnosed. It is important to proceed carefully to avoid undercooling the tooth nerve and avoid enamel cracks.

As an addition to radiological diagnostics (X-rays), a CaviTAU® ultrasound examination helps detect hidden inflammation in the bone.

An addition to periodontal examinations and as an early marker to prevent disease.
Periodontitis diagnostics.

Periodontitis diagnostics

For determining interference fields.

Detailed discussion of the various factors that are a health burden.

The individual treatment options are discussed in detail, whereby all advantages and disadvantages are addressed.

Some complex treatments require Impressions of the upper and lower jaw, photo documentation and analysis of the temporomandibular joints with the ZEBRIS system.

Costs for a Biological Consultation

The cost of a biological consultation is CHF 500 to 1300, depending on the services required.

We are here to assist you

If you have questions about our treatment concepts, please feel free to contact us.